Well you must be confused by the title of the post.To tell you the real thing its not about my birthday ...Its about my nephew's birthday.My nephew Aaditya turned 5 yesterday.Being a small kid we planned to give him his birthday as a big bash.My family and my uncle's family had been planning this for the past one week.The kid is a blast himself.Always a live wire.All of my family members say that we seem alike as i too was like him when i was his age.So there is something that i see in him that tells me that its kinda me in him.
Well we had set up everything in the halls.The lights,chandeliers, the balloons,the color papers,the music and all other things that are a part of a huge birthday blast.Well the party was supposed to begin by 6.But Adi,as we call him, was restless and wanted the fun to begin as soon as possible.My mom had baked a special cake for the occasion-it had the pineapple flavor.While my aunt..Got her sons favorite cake" Mickey mouse shaped chocolate cake".Well then the party began as many of his friends..
Tiny toddlers poured in.Some 8 to 10 of his friends came..The boys face was lit up with happiness as it was his day..You would be thinking that only Adi's face would only litted up but it was showing up on me too.It seemed as if it was my 5th birthday.Well the evening was finally over.All cakes finished,friends gone,Adi slept but i was given with the best gift of the moment.
You can see the boy's happiness as it confronts you in his childish smile...that's priceless..
The fine memories of being my fifth birthday.Well i think,i happened to be the first chap who could visualize things that could have happened in my 5 birthday..It was a nice Moment for me that i could never forget.
So there is nothing wrong if i can say it as My 5 Bday blast..
Belated Bday wishes Deepak.Hmmm i know it wasnt ur Bday :)
I understand the feelin n emotions u went thro.
he he..thanx..mine is on Nov 3..
u got awesome template..
i am flattered really..
i ll certainly add u up..
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