If you are an Indian and a cricket fan then you could easily guess what am talking about.I know that this post would be flashing in most of the indian blogs but who cares..am not able to control my feelings so am gonna join the club.
Hurray...India cricket has done it again.It has shown its class and delivered its best in the second final of the common bank series.India won the first overseas victory in Australian soil after 23 years.Its the first indian series victory against Australia in Australia.Wow what a match it has been.Both the teams did what ever they could to win over the game and prove their might,but in the end the same principal stands.."..Only the better side wins the game..".Well it was one hella tour for the Indians in Australia.There has been a lot of action both on and off the field.Not only Australian cricketers showcased damnable sporting sprit but the whole of Australia showed its nasty approach towards sportsman ship.The way Harbajhan singh was targeted by Australians for what ever he did..Think of the fact the he was imposed charges for scratching his armpits..Whew..What could i say.It was a hot hot summer for Indian cricket team in Australia.Well am glad it all ended well for India.
I think most of you would had witnessed the live action so it would not be apt to repeat the highlights of the game here in this post..
I hope the sporting sprit gets back on track and Australians learn some manners and etiquette regarding the game.The way Australian media and people behaved is really a disgust.
Well lets see the positive side only.The final chapter of the book has been finished and we also knew whose the black sheep.So lets forget those nightmares and go with sweet dream ..Now a reality..India has won the Common wealth Bank cup to its name.Three cheers for indian Cricket team." Hip-hip hurray.."*3
well am gonna go now and be a part of the celebrations..pepole out side my house are bursting crakers..he he.. ll bring ya more of it later tonight.
let's not get carried away
Let 'em repeat the feat then i shall believe
y do u say so..do u think this as a flook..naah..they proved in 20-20..now its ODI
It was a genuine win......
Hope they do the difficult job ahead i.e to keep up their winning ways.....
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